Legal conditions


The original structure, layout, and content of the website are the intellectual creation of Perfektum Projekt Kft., Perfektum Mérnöki Kft., Perfektum Építész Kft., Profektum Tanácsadó Kft. and Perfektum PR Kft. (hereinafter: Perfektum Group); is under legal protection. Further use of the content of the website is only possible with the prior permission of the Perfektum Group. Unauthorized use of the website’s content has legal consequences.

The website is owned and operated by the Perfektum Group

Headquarters: 34. Monostori str. Budapest 1031 Hungary



The announcements on the website serve to inform the public and do not obligate the Perfektum Group in any way. No communication on the website can be considered a contract offer or acceptance of a contract offer.

The editors of the website do their best to ensure that the information provided here is accurate, fresh and comprehensive, but accept no responsibility whatsoever for any damages arising from the use of this information.


Perfektum Group does not take any responsibility for the content of external pages maintained by third parties linked on the website.

References (links) to this World Wide Web service may be placed in other online services. For more information about the use of website materials, please contact us.

Perfektum Group reserves the right to raise an objection against a connection placed in an inappropriate environment and initiate its termination. Please report the location of the connection to our e-mail address In addition to the name and electronic contact, it is also necessary to indicate the desired method of use In the request.

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